Homeopathic management of Trichotillomania

Tasneem Abrahams
Jul 25th, 2016

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Trichotillomania is classified in the DSM5 as an obesessive compusive and related disorder and is a condition where some individuals start to pull out their body hair. The person likely targets pulling the hair on the head, beard, mustache, eyelashes, or eyebrows. This disorder leaves patchy areas of hair loss and is apparent to those they come in contact with. Causes for compulsive disorder varies with some pulling when they are stressed or anxious, while others pull when they are bored or relaxed. Trichotillomania can be be a debilitating disorder consuming the individual's every day life. Trichotillomania is also grouped with other similar disorders like compulsive skin picking and nail biting under the umbrella term Body focused Repetitive Behaviors or BFRB.

Homeopathy for Trichotillomania


Alternative medicine treats the body, mind, and spirit and includes some of the following. 

.  Homeopathy Remedies
.  Physical Therapy (once not accepted now widely accepted into traditional medicine)
.  Acupuncture
.  Chinese Healing/Eastern medicine
.  Kinesiology
.  Iridology
.  Meditation

.  Herbalism

Homeopathy medicine is based upon "The Law of Similars." According to Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust, "To like things like, whatever one may ail; there is a certain help." 

Holistic healing believes that the symptoms one is displaying are the body's effort to heal. Traditional medicine tends to suppress these symptoms; holistic medicine tends to try to stimulate the defenses in the body to improve its state. Western practitioners have a difficult time in grabbing hold of this healing concept. Substances found in various holistic remedies mimic the person's symptoms and represent a positive response to the body's healing process. Western medicine many times just assume that certain symptoms are improper, unhealthy, and not logical. Thus, traditional physicians are taught to treat the symptoms, control the symptoms, or suppress the symptoms. These remedies are non-addictive and highly safe. 

Homeopathy lies in the category of alternative medicine and treatment, is not recognized by the FDA or traditional doctors. When a person develops specific signs and symptoms of a disease, such as Trichotillomania, this disorder, specific to an individual homeopathy remedy that, taken over the prescribed amounts causes these same symptoms. When taken in minute doses the homeopathy treatment quickly eliminates the signs and symptoms. 

How Does A Homeopathic Remedy Work? 

We can use Aconite as a good example. This remedy originates from the buttercup family of plants, considered Monkshood and is highly poisonous. If a person eats this plant, it is toxic, and some of the symptoms created include, 

A feeling of panic
Inability to breathe
Heart palpitations
Panic feeling
Severe headache 

If a person suffers from panic disorders and is having symptoms of dizziness, is in a panic state, having trouble catching their breath, and experiences some irregular heart patterns, a little dose of this remedy instantly rids the person of these same signs and symptoms, with no side effects. Just relief from the signs and symptoms of the panic disorder or anxiety. This remedy found success in treating facial pain, joint pain, and leg pain, paralysis, inflammation, the coldness of hands and feet, in addition to panic attacks, and yes hair loss. 

It is a known fact that many times when taking a homeopathic the person may experience worsening signs and symptoms for a few days and then the condition just disappears. No side effects are noted. Traditional medicines, synthetic and man-made, have thousands of side effects that are likely to bring about more problems for the patient. 

Can Homeopathy Be Helpful In The Treatment Of Trichotillomania? 


People require Silicea if they lack mental and physical stamina. The person intelligent, however, the mind tires quickly. Thought processes become dull, sluggish, and sometimes some confusion presents. The person becomes preoccupied with insignificant details. OCD fits into this scenario well. The person is happy to be present but is no more likely to voice their opinion. They are more of a timid soul. If you fit into these characteristics, than Silicea is a choice remedy. 

Nitrome - Salicylate of Sodium

Nitrome remedy works well for those who have a chronic and recurring condition such as, Trichotillomania. 

Phosphorus -Phosphorus

This remedy works well for the person who is anxious, and overexcited, leading the person to a state of exhaustion and fatigue.  Symptoms are worse with colder temperatures and sensitive to temperature changes. The person craves salty and spicy foods. Thirst is frequent as is stomach pain. 

Sulfur - Sulfur

A holistic practitioner prescribes sulfur for many chronic disorders affecting the skin, causing rashes and itching. Symptoms affect the left side of the body more frequently. 

Pulsatilla - Windflower

Pulsatilla treats a host of chronic conditions, including Trichotillomania. It eliminates symptoms such as colds, ear infections, fever, mental symptoms, 

This disorder, like many other chronic illnesses, work differently for everyone. One person who requires a specific holistic treatment, another find better success with an alternative treatment in the same group.  Holistic remedies do have one thing in common with traditional medicines. One treatment may work exceedingly well for one person but not the other. These treatments are as individual as the specific characteristics of each person treated. 


Tasneem Abrahams


Tasneem is an Occupational Therapist, and a graduate of the TLC foundation for BFRBs professional training institute. Her experience in mental health includes working at Lentegeur Psychiatric hospital forensic unit (South Africa), Kingston Community Adult Learning Disability team (UK), Clinical Specialist for the Oasis Project Spelthorne Community Mental Health team (UK). Tasneem is a member of both the editorial team and the clinical staff on TrichStop, providing online therapy for people who suffer from Trichotillomania and other BFRBs.

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