Clients trust us. You can, too.
93% of clients who finish the main modules of the program would recommend TrichStop to others.
When asking our clients for feedback, we ask these two questions:
- Would you recommend it to others who suffer from Trichotillomania?
April 2022
Yes, I would recommend this program. I have never met someone else with trich, but if I ever do, I would tell them about TrichStop with enthusiasm.
How would I summarize the program? Overall, it has been positive and illuminating. I have made a lot of progress toward managing my pulling, and I believe I have the tools I need to continue improving. I could not have done this by myself. For years, I thought I should be able to find a way to stop pulling by myself, but that is impossible. I really needed to learn about these techniques and organize strategies around my particular lifestyle.
January 2022
November 2021
June 2021
May 2021
Start your own journey
Take control of your life and find freedom from hair pulling through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.
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