Online Test for Hair Pulling

How Severe is Your Hair Pulling Disorder? Find Out With This Free Online Test

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Nicole Mayeda, Psy.D.

San Francisco: 465 California St. #838 San Francisco, CA 94104; Oakland: 445 Bellevue Ave. #304 Oakland, CA 94610


Credentials and degrees:

Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Graduate of TLC's Virtual Professional Training Institute


Dr. Mayeda provides individual and group therapies for adolescents and adults with BFRBs, and is available for consultations and trainings upon request. Also offers BFRB psychotherapy group.

Treatment methods:

Dr. Mayeda approaches the treatment of hair pulling, skin picking and nail biting comprehensively. She educates clients using her four-year BFRB research project, conceptualizes each person fully based on relational/psychodynamic perspectives, and then chooses ACT, CBT, and/or compassion-based interventions as they prove relevant to each unique presentation. Individual and group therapies available for adolescents and adults.

Start your journey with TrichStop

Take control of your life and find freedom from hair pulling through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.

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