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therapist , 09 Feb 2021

Research study- Body focused repetitive behaviour

Hi everyone,

I am looking for individuals, who currently have a Body Focused Repetitive Behaviour, to take part in a qualitative study. If you have one or more of the following behaviour, and would like to take part please contact me on

Eye mucus fishing
Hair pulling from scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard or moustache
Nail biting
Skin picking causing bruising or bleeding
Peeling, chewing or biting of the skin on lips or inside the mouth

Audio interviews will be conducted via Microsoft Teams, and will last about 45 minutes to an hour. Confidentiality will be priority, after transcription recordings will be deleted. Research will not include participant’s name or any identifying information.

If you don’t have a Body Focused Repetitive Behaviour but know anyone who fit the criteria that would like to take part, please pass on my details and ask them to contact me via email

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