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Hid4Years , 20 Aug 2020

Suffered for years

Hello all. I would like to share my story with you so that you know that there is hope out there. I started with this illness when I was in senior high approximately 10th grade. It started with just trying to gain some shape to my brows then spiraled down quick. Within a month I had no eyebrows or eyelashes and I was starting to pull out my hair on my head. Once the hair grew back I just yanked it out again. I would find myself doing this without even realizing I was doing it which made it harder to accept that I could be rid of this illness. I finally gained control of the eyelashes about three years after I started this journey. They did grow back however not as full but they did grow back so I was very thankful for that. Unfortunately my eyebrows had taken a hit. I suffered with this until about a year ago. When I finally gained the courage to speak to my dermatologist regarding my problem she did offer me some potential help. It took me a while to accept that I had a problem and to ask for the help but I’m glad I did. My dermatologist started me on Latisse for my eyebrows which did help me grow them back partially. I did not ask for the lashes because honestly they are at almost 95% regrowth and I no longer touch them. Based on the growth from the Latisse we then proceeded to do Cortisone shots in the brow area. The dermatologist stated that they do take quite some time to work and not to touch the brows while this was happening. It was very difficult however the effects have been great. I just got a second round of Cortisone shots in my eyebrows and they are almost back to full growth. There are still some bare spots however I have found great options online they sell these temporary eyebrow tattoos that you just put on with water and a sponge and they look pretty decent however if you’re not careful they can look shiny and fake. A little bit of primer or mattifying spray usually makes it look pretty natural. They are getting harder to adhere fully now that I have actual brow hair and I have full faith that my brows will be fully restored once my Cortisone therapy is complete. The dermatologist did state that everybody is different and that everybody does need different rounds and levels of Cortisone shots. They can’t do too much at one time because the steroid can cause dimpling if there is too much steroid used at one time. I’ve had two sets of injections and they are just beautiful I would attach a picture if I could. I just wanted to share my story so that you all know that there is hope out there and there are options once you’re ready to do battle with this illness and what it’s done and try to repair what’s been damaged. I no longer hide from social situations and I find myself opening up more. I really hope anyone on this forum that comes across this has a glimmer of hope at the end of the “Trich tunnel” as I like to refer to it.

1 Answer
April 12, 2021
Hello- thank you for sharing damage solutions. I appreciate all help. Would you mind sharing what worked for you to stop?

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