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pallavitilloo , 01 May 2020

Trichotillomania - something that can help you stop!

Hi all,

I have been suffering from trichotillomania from past fifteen years or so. I used to pull out my scalp hair. I even have dermatillomania.
I have been trying to find a solution to this but could not ever. Last night, I went into deep thought mode and had a kind of a revelation.

The change in perspective is helping me a lot. I have tried to write my experience and share it so that others can benefit it from it too. I have a mission - it is to find a cure to these disorders!

Please check this out and let me know your feedback about whether it works or even makes sense in any way. I have never talked to anyone else with this disorder so the experience and my thoughts are totally my own -…

Good luck!

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