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romifishman , 04 Feb 2023

Rubbing and touching eyebrows

Hi, not looking for diagnosis of course but would like to get an opinion so I have a direction. When I was 15 I started pulling out my eyebrows without even paying attention I’m doing this. When I finally noticed, after a while I somehow managed to kind of stop pulling, but replaced it with obsessive touching and rubbing instead (which still causes the hair fall out but less than the pulling action). I still don’t pay attention when I’m doing this and when I do I find it hard to stop. I stop for a little bit, I assume for a few minutes, but then find myself doing it again. Do you think the rubbing and touching still considered as trichotillomania? If so, I would like to get some advice on what I should do. 

2 Answers
February 17, 2023

hi there! i have found that eyebrow pulling and rubbing are a compulsion of mine, and i have talked about that with my therapist. she says that along with my hair pulling that is a compulsion related to trich. i cant diagnose you but i recommend talking to your doctor or therapist about this! if the pulling and rubbing is getting bad, i recommend buying a sensory ring, so whenever you feel the urge you can use the ring instead. that only works sometimes with me, but it does help overall. best of luck, and stay strong! <3

October 30, 2023


We are often not aware (no pun intended here), that there are two types of compulsions. 
1. Focused- we intentionally act on an impulsion/compulsion. And therefore, are fully aware of what we are doing (although we are not able to control the compulsion).
2. Automatic- our pulling/rubbing/picking happens without us even being aware of our actions.

Excessive touching or rubbing to the extent of causing loss of hair or damage can be considered as trich. Trichotillomania is not limited to just pulling, it can also include actions like rubbing, or touching hair, which may lead to hair loss. Trichstop have an interesting article on their website, you can find it here:

Any behaviour we experience that causes distress, a hinderance to our lives in any way, or harm to ourselves (either mentally or physically) should be taken seriously- and be consulted with a healthcare provider. Trichstop have amazing therapists who have years of experience in helping people in identifying their triggers and finding ways to manage their behaviours.

I agree, sensory rings or other fidgets can be helpful.

Wishing you well!

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